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Help With Fees 

There are a number of initiatives to support the cost of childcare. Please see below for further information or visit the Childcare Choices Website which has lots of useful information. 

Free Entitlement for 2 year olds 

Eligible families of 2 year olds who receive some forms of support may be entitled to 15 free hours for 38 weeks of the year. 


To check if you are eligible or for more information please click here. 


Families must apply directly to the local authority- you can apply online here

Working Family

Working families may be entitled to 15 free hours for 38 weeks per year for 2 year olds or and an additional 15 free hours hours for 3/4 year olds. 


This can be used flexibly with one or more childcare providers.


To check if you are eligible to for more information please click here 

Free Entitlement for 3/4 year olds 

All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to the free entitlement of 15 hours per week for 38 weeks per year. You can claim from the term after your child's 3rd birthday until they reach compulsory school age. For more information please click here.


If you child's birthday is between:

  • 1st April- 31st August you can claim from 1st September 

  • 1st September-31st Decemeber you can claim from 1st January 

  • 1st January-31st March you can claim from April 1st. 


You will be required to complete some paperwork before we can apply for the universal hours on your behalf. 

Tax Free Childcare 

Tax free childcare is a government scheme to help working families with the cost of childcare (up to £2000 per year)

For every £8 you pay into this account, the government will pay in £2 to use to pay the pre-school. 


To check if you are eligible or to apply please click here

Help while you study

The Learner support scheme can help students with childcare costs. To see if you are eligible click here 


Care to learn helps teenage parents with childcare costs while they study on publicly funded courses. Learners can get up to £180 per week toward childcare fees. 

Horfield Welly Pre-school - Registered Charity No. 1045897 

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